
Baptism is the first sacrament, which incorporates us into the body of Christ by making us part of the community of faith. It is the door that leads to the reception of the other sacraments and marks the beginning of a life long journey of faith and encounter with Jesus Christ. Baptism wipes away original sin and committed sins and sets one on the path of Christian love and discovery of our Christian dignity and Catholic identity.

Baptism in our Parish

Step 1.

ONLINE REGISTRATION - Register at anytime

To register, complete the baptism registration - “Click Here”.

Email your completed form and a copy of your child’s birth certificate and a copy of one parent’s CATHOLIC baptism certificate.

Step 2. - BAPTISM PREPARATION - (No Baptism preparation session in January)

Date: 1st Saturday of each month - Time: 10am - 10:45am

Venue: St John the Baptist Church Hall, 131 South Pine Road, Enoggera (right next to the St John the Baptist Church)

NB: If you have done the preparation in our parish within the past 5 years, you DO NOT NEED TO ATTEND THE BAPTISM PREPARATION. However, Click, Download and Complete also the REQUEST BAPTISM Celebration FORM

Step 3.

Return completed Baptism celebration/Nomination Form signed by both parents. Then Choose child’s sponsor/godparent (baptised catholic) and submit his or her baptism certificate.

Step 4.

Attend a weekend mass of blessing & welcome of the baby on your nominated date before the baptism day. Blessing and Welcome masses are usually held on the second and fourth weekends of the month.



Time: 11:00am - 11:45am

Venue: St. John the Baptist OR St. Columba’s.


  • It is important to remember not to make travel bookings for family or send out invitations until your date has been confirmed by the Parish Office.
  • We are unable to take date bookings of NEW families before you have attended our preparation session as we have a large number of Baptism requests.
  • Please do not request a Baptism date that is within one week of your submitting your form unless you have a good reason.

If you have your own Priest or your child is 8 years or older, please let the facilitator know and call the Parish Office to make specific arrangements.

Other Information

Baptism at St Carthage’s and Our Lady of the Immaculate Conception are by appointment. These dates may change due to Father’s other commitments.

For us in Kedron Brook community, baptism is all about belonging and a way in which we welcome one into our community of faith. Baptism is the first of three Sacraments of Initiation in the Catholic Church. The other two are Confirmation and Eucharist. Through Baptism we are incorporated into the body of Christ.

Infants are baptised on the request of their parents, usually in the first year of life and in their home parish. At least one parent should be Catholic.

For Godparents

At the Baptism of your godchild you will make a public promise to help the parents bring up this child in the Catholic faith, loving God and neighbour as Jesus Christ taught us.

Celebration of baptism for older children

There are situations when some children are not baptised yet every Sunday they sit with their parents and celebrate mass.

Once a year we will conduct a preparation class for such children who are 8 years old or above during lent. We celebrate the sacrament of baptism for this category of children at our Easter celebrations for them and afterwards they join their mates in celebrating other sacraments.

For a children who are 12 and young teenagers, they have a specialised RCIA programme after which they receive full baptism, confirmation and Eucharist on Holy Saturday. For more information contact

Celebration of Baptism for Adults

We celebrate adult baptism once a year. This takes place at a period of RCIA preparation programme not less than six months. This is because of our belief that catholic education goes deeper than classroom programme but more of an ongoing journey of discovering and immersion into the life giver experience and encounter with God. RCIA is run from September all through the Lenten programme. After RCIA programme and preparation, full sacrament of initiation of adult is celebrated on the Holy Saturday celebration. For more information please contact the Pastoral Coordinator

For more information about Baptism visit the Flame of Faith website.