Make a Difference
Our Parish communities relies on the generous contributions made by people just like you. Without such contributions it would not be possible for our Parish to offer the services that we do. Your contributions go to fund the following:
The ministry of our Priests. Our Priests offer pastoral care for the people of our community by visiting the sick in their homes or in hospital, celebrating the Sacraments and providing leadership for our community.
The maintaining of our beautiful Church buildings and the surrounding grounds.
Parish Office staff and other Parish Office expenses.
The bills – such as Electricity, Insurances, Water, Council Fees – etc.
Some of the money from the Collections (18%) goes to the Archdiocese to fund their works. This includes funding for retired priests and priests in other ministries (e.g. the Seminary Staff).
Ways to Give
Planned giving is an important part of our parish’s financial plan. Parishioners pledge to give a certain amount on a regular basis, allowing the parish to receive a regular income stream.
There are three methods of facilitating your financial contribution through the planned giving program.
Direct Debit from your bank account.
Recurring Credit Card donation.
Placing cash in offering envelopes and placing those envelopes in the collection plate at Mass.
The easiest and most convenient method of donating is to set up an automatic payment either through a direct debit from your bank account or by a recurring credit card donation. Your contribution can be modified or cancelled at any time by contacting us or filling out another form with the new details.
Some families who make a direct debit or credit card contribution also request a set of envelopes. By placing these envelopes (empty) on the plate, they are able to give a sign of their contribution within the community. It is also an excellent way of visibly witnessing to their children the importance of contributing to the Church’s mission and ministry. If you would like a set of envelopes for this purpose, please do not hesitate to ask.
In addition to direct debit and credit card payments, it is possible to participate in the planned giving program by placing cash in the offering envelopes and then placing those envelopes in the collection plate at Mass. If you would like to arrange for a box of envelopes for cash giving purposes, please contact us.
You can download the direct debit or credit card forms by clicking on the corresponding button on this page.
Thank you for contributing through the planned giving program. We do not take you donations for granted and make every effort to exercise appropriate stewardship over the money entrusted to us.
Please contact Cherylann with any questions about Planned Giving via email:
Our wonderful parishioners leave a lasting legacy in many ways. By contributing to the life and activities of the parish they are participating in the faith community and bringing the life changing reality of God love to life, in their families, workplaces and the broader community.
Another important way in which they can leave a lasting legacy to your parish community that you are proud of. While we ask that you consider your circumstances and the needs of your family, there may be an opportunity to support the ongoing work of the parish by being one of our Eternal Guardians. What is the last gift that you wish to leave to the community that you like? No gift or amount is too small. You can either a set amount of money (or some other asset) as some to help the work of your community after you are gone.
A gift can be directed to an endowment fund, which will be managed on the parish’s behalf. This ensures that your generosity will live on into the indefinite future.
If you would like further information on becoming an Eternal Guardian, please do not hesitate to contact the senior Donor Relations Manager of the archdiocese email: or the Parish Office.
"Behind every gift in the Will is an Eternal Guardian, Behind every Eternal Guardian is a story of inspiration."