What is St Vincent de Paul Society all about?


Your local Wilston, Enoggera, Everton Park (WEEP) St Vincent de Paul Conference helps people in need in the Everton Park, Alderley, Grange, Enoggera & Wilston areas.

Our conference helps a wide range of people, all age groups, refugee families who are waiting for work permits and singles through to large families. People with children and those on Newstart Allowance are generally in the greatest need. Almost all are unemployed or unable to work because of illness. We see sole parents escaping domestic violence, homeless staying with friends and people who have been allocated public housing but have no appliances or furniture. Many have poor physical and mental health. The circumstances that give rise to their call for help are complex & varied.

The Conference members meet fortnightly where we pray and report on the work we have done in the preceding weeks.

We always visit people in need in their homes in pairs, and whilst the time commitment is not large, the rewards can be enormous.

Funds for the conferences work come from the annual Winter and Christmas appeals, a charity concert and fundraising by the catholic schools in the Conference area.

Conference members give Coles vouchers, so people can buy food and we can also arrange for donated furniture to be supplied and SVDP shop vouchers are also available. When required, we provide advocacy for people experiencing problems with energy providers, Telcos and government agencies.

Visits occur on Thursday mornings and sometimes on Friday and Saturday mornings

People interested in joining the WEEP SVDP Conference can contact Len Haigh 3352 5321 or lenhaigh@gmail.com