Newsletters & Resources

Watch this space for Wilston’s Columbarium!

  • The Catholic Leader: The Catholic Leader online informs the faithful from a Catholic perspective and provides an ethical and credible source for faith-based news, reviews, and reflection.

  • Family of Faith Campaign: If you believe that we have a responsibility as caretakers of St Columba’s Church to restore and hand it onto future generations, please consider supporting our Family of Faith campaign.

  • Safeguarding Children and Vulnerable Adults Policy

  • Safeguarding Training: All parishioners across our two Parishes who volunteer in any of our ministries need to complete Safeguarding Training. If you have not yet attended a session then please let us know, email

  • Two-minute Homilies are delivered weekly by priests within the Archdiocese of Brisbane and are available in audio and video format.

  • Blue Cards: If you are involved in ministries in our Parishes, you need a Blue Card. If you have a Blue Card, please bring it in to our Parish Office for copying if you haven’t already done so.


School Reference Checklist

Use the School Reference Checklist below, if you want a reference from the parish priest to support your child’s college enrolment. The form reflects your child’s faith development and involvement and participation in the Parish Community.

Please complete the form fully (one per school application) and return to the Parish Office.  The Parish Priest will then send a reference, together with this form, to the school on your behalf.