Children & Youth
Young people are best helped by a set of faith development opportunities which integrates their faith with everyday experience.
My dear young people, the Church needs you, your enthusiasm, your creativity and the joy that is so characteristic of you!
— Pope Francis
Altar Serving
At different times throughout the year, Altar server training is provided for children from Good Samaritan Parish and St John the Baptist Parish.
All children from our two parishes that are in Year 2 or above are welcome to come along and learn how to participate in our faith community in this meaningful and enjoyable way.
For more information, please email Marie-Louise.
St Columba’s & St John the Baptist Family Mass
Our parish family led mass also referred to as “Youth Led Mass” is a Parish initiative providing families with the opportunity to nurture the spirituality of your child through active participation in Sunday Mass.
At these Masses, young people actively participate in the Eucharistic celebration by welcoming parishioners, reading the Liturgy of the Word and Prayers of the Faithful, and presenting the gifts in the Offertory procession.
It is an opportunity for the parish and school community to come together to worship and build relationships.
If you or your child would like to be involved, please email Marie-Louise and include your child’s full name and preferred roles.
Youth Group
All young people are invited to be part of the KBCC Youth group. It is a space for young people to learn about their faith in an encouraging and fun environment.
Through five focus areas: prayer, sacraments, social justice, community and catechesis, the group aims to empower each young person to live as a disciple of Jesus Christ in today’s world and become active participants in the life of the Parish community. Please email the Youth Ministry Coordinator to find out more.
Other Initiatives within the Archdiocese
Catholic Collective connects high schoolers and young adults (18-30) with Catholic youth initiatives in the Archdiocese.
Ignite Youth offers a range of events and resources that help connect young people in their faith journey. Ignite Youth also runs Ignite Conference. The Conference draws more than 1000 participants from around the country and is a national Catholic youth conference for adults, students, kids, ministry leaders, teachers, priests and religious.