Confirmation is for Baptised Children in year 3 and above.
confirmation is the second of the three sacraments of Christian initiation. It is the link between Baptism and First Communion.
Confirmation has always been about renewing one’s baptismal promises before receiving communion for the first time. It completes Baptism, by which, in the laying on of hands and the anointing with Chrism Oil (which first happened at Baptism), we are confirmed with the fullness of the Holy Spirit.
Confirmation Programme for 2025
ONLINE REGISTRATION for 2025 : “Opens 9AM Saturday 22ND APRIL and closes Thursday 2ND MAY.” “Click to Register” (watch this space for when it is opened)
To registration, please make sure to registered within the provided period. Attach your child’s baptism certificate and choose a group for the celebration and think of who your child’s sponsor (baptised catholic) will be and submit his or her baptism certificate.
Please visit Sacramental Program for dates, times and locations of Parent Information Sessions and Preparation.
Parent Information Session: Wilston 29/4/25 & Enoggera 1/5/25, Time 7PM - Only for NEW sacramental families. In this session we give an overview of the program and a pack containing information to help parents better prepare for their children to receive the sacrament, including a 4-mass passport. Returning parents please pick your pack from the office after registration between 22ND APRIL - 2ND MAY (From Mon - Fri. 9AM - 1PM).
Enrolment Mass: This mass is for ALL families. At this mass your children will be officially enrolled to receive confirmation.
Mandatory Family workshop & Practice: We expect at least one parent to attend this ONLY preparatory meeting with your child. Return signed Mass passport.
Celebration of Confirmation: This will be celebrated in groups, please know your child’s group. We look forward to celebrating this special day with your family. Dress your child for the celebration, preferably something white. For more information contact