
Confirmation is the second of the three sacraments of Christian initiation. It is the link between Baptism and First Communion.

Confirmation has always been about renewing one’s baptismal promises before receiving communion for the first time. It completes Baptism, by which, in the laying on of hands and the anointing with Chrism Oil (which first happened at Baptism), we are confirmed with the fullness of the Holy Spirit.

Parents are the first teachers of faith to their children and therefore are required to take part in the Parish Confirmation Preparation programme to enable them to understand the meaning of the sacrament and the commitment they will make to support their child’s growth in faith and life.

If you wish to register your child in our Confirmation programme, visit Sacramental Program for dates, times and locations of Parent Information Sessions and Preparation.

Also in Sacramental Program we provide opening and closing dates for online registration.

What to do if you want your child confirmed