As part of our Parish community we invite you to take part in some of the liturgical or pastoral ministries that support the services we provide.
All ministries occur on a regular roster basis
Scripture Reader: proclaim the word of God at mass, this must be done clearly and confidently
Extra-ordinary minister of Communion: helping distribute the consecrated bread during Communion at Mass
Musician/singer: organist, keyboard or guitar player, cantor – all helping the assembly to sing as Mass
Altar Server: young people assisting at Mass with books, vessels, candles etc.
Leader Children’s Liturgy: celebrating the Liturgy of the Word with children at our Masses
Sacristan: helping to open and close the Church for Masses, weddings and other events; setting up and putting away the vessels, books used in the liturgy
Parish Family Focus Group: helps in deepening parish/school relationship by coordinating with the school community in promoting and encouraging more participation at mass especially the St Columba’s Family Mass
KBCC Men’s Reflection Group: provides an opportunity for men in the parish to meet, reflect on the gospel and pray.
Deanery Pastoral Council: representing the Parish on the deanery council and facilitating parish participation in deanery projects
Parish Pastoral Council (PPC): here at KBCC we have two pastoral councils for the two parishes; the PPC is charged with the responsibility of assisting and promoting the parish pastoral and apostolic works. Collaborates with the parish priest in communicating the mission of love and the values of Jesus
Parish Finance Council (PFC): meets once a quarter, like the PPC, each parish in KBCC has its finance council too. The PFC helps in managing the finance of the parishes, which includes approving of parish budget and expenses
St. Vincent de Paul: offering practical help (food, furniture, blankets etc.) to those in need. Learn more here
Visitation/Communion of the Sick: visiting the sick and the elderly in their homes or in the nursing home, usually bringing them weekly communion
Social Committee: KBCC social committees are very vital to the life of the parish. They plan and coordinate social events that contribute in friendship, engagement and community building
Maintenance Committee: looks after work that needs attention in and around the grounds of each Church, and any workplace health and safety issues that need to be reported to the Parish Office for action.