Faith Opportunities
Throughout the year, our Parish community provides a number of prayer and spiritual opportunities that assist you in your journey of faith.
Conversations with Catholics
Conversations about Catholics is an informal programme that provides information about the basics of the Catholic faith and is designed to help parents and families feel a sense of belonging to the school and parish communities.
The four weekly sessions will enable you to share information and ask questions, and will be particularly useful for Catholics wanting a refresher, people who have been away from the Church or non-Catholics who would like to know some things about the Catholic faith.
greater sense of belonging to the school and parish communities
gain a better understanding of what is taught in the Religious Education curriculum at the Catholic school
able to participate more comfortably with the rituals of the Church, and understand and appreciate the Mass
confidently contribute to Catholic family life.
If you would like to register for Conversation about Catholics programme please email Marie-Louise.
Become a Catholic
If you are interested in joining the Catholic Church, the Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA) programme educates, then initiates adults to become a Catholic as an adult.
It is a journey during which people who are unbaptised or who have been baptised in another mainstream Christian Church, come to embrace the Catholic Faith and are initiated in to the Catholic Church community.
Catholics are a community. A body made up of many different people, united by a common bond of love.
Because of the enduring strength of this bond, and the life-long commitment it implies, one of the best ways of describing the Catholic Church is that it is like a family.
For more information: Please contact the Parish Office
Two Minute Homilies
Two-minute Homilies are delivered weekly by priests within the Archdiocese of Brisbane and are available in audio and video format
See a Priest
Please contact the Parish Office to organise a time to see Fr Ihemelandu L. Uzuegbu: Call 33521730 or email