Welcome to the Kedron Brook Catholic Community. Our community includes two parishes: Good Samaritan and St John the Baptist and four Churches: St Columba’s Wilston, St Carthage’s Gordon Park, St John the Baptist Enoggera and Our Lady of the Immaculate Conception Everton Park.
We invite you to participate in the life of our community by worshiping God through Mass attendance and by volunteering in various ministries and services. If you are NEW to our community, we welcome you and will love to know you. We encourage you to fill our parish form (see below) and to make yourself known after Mass or by making contact though the Parish Office.
Our Mission is inspired by the words of Jesus in Mt. 28:19, “Go therefore and make disciples of all nations.”
We strive to nurture a welcoming and supportive community that continually grows in God’s love while living a Catholic Sacramental life of worship, faith development and charity.
Fr. Ihemelandu Leonard Uzuegbu ministers to our two parishes, and welcomes any questions you have about the Catholic faith, your journey to grow closer to God, our parishes or any spiritual needs.
We welcome you and pray that you may find warmth, happiness and spiritual fulfillment in our community.
May God Bless you.